Ancient Stone Chair of King Siallagan

Ambarita Village

Ambarita village is incredibly famous for its unique history of King Siallagan stone chair court-yard at the Huta Siallagan. It is obviously one of the top interesting places highlights around Samosir Island Lake Toba north Sumatra tourism. Located around 30 minutes’ drive from Tomok, 20 minutes from TukTuk and 45 minutes from Simanindo village.

The Stone chair King Siallagan Huta Siallagan Bolon house Ambarita village Samosir Island
The Stone chair King Siallagan Huta Siallagan Bolon house Ambarita village Samosir Island

Huta Siallagan

Huta means a tiny viilage and Siallagan itself is one of hundreds clans in Batak tribe. Huta Siallagan is a charming preserved area of the legendary King Siallagan, who ruled his clans about hundreds of years ago with its unique settlement courtyard. This area is still occupied by king and his descendants in the village at the Bolon house (traditional Batak Toba houses).

Batak Bolon House Huta Siallagan village King Siallagan ancient court yard Samosir Island
Batak Bolon House Huta Siallagan village King Siallagan ancient court yard Samosir Island

Huta Siallagan is surrounded by stone walls as its fortresses to prevent attacks from enemies or other warring tribes and bamboos as fences or barrier from wild animals. A single narrow entrance is the only access to enter into its historical site of Batak culture village which is guarded by 2 statues.

Ancient Stone Chair of King Siallagan Court yard

Ancient Stone Chair Court Yard

Located under a very old sacred Hariara tree, a set of large boulders carved into the shape of chairs encircling a stone table. The King, councils and local villagers used to sit here to conduct trial court against criminal suspects and captured enemies.

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