RAFFLESIA ARNOLDII Flower | The Rarest Giant Parasite Plant SUMATRA Jungle

The rarest parasite plant in the world of Rafflesia Arnoldii Sumatra giant flower is commonly called the corpse lily. And it is also known as Bunga Raksasa Padma in Indonesia which is on the verge of its extinction. We frequently find the gigantic flower frequently in Bukittinggi Sumatra and Borneo (Kalimantan) rain forest.

Rafflesia Arnoldii blooming seasons

The Giant Rafflesia flower might bloom all year round in Sumatra and Borneo rain forests. It is about 40 cm and up to 1 metre diameter when it is fully blooming. And after that it will immediately goes off and dead after one week time.

It is NOW BLOOMING until:

19th DECEMBER 2024

The uniqueness of largest individual Rafflesia Arnoldii flower

Most importantly, the uniqueness of the red giant individual Sumatran Rafflesia Arnoldii plant is seemingly to have NO stem, chlorophyll. Which completely sounds like a ridiculous science fiction, but these are the true facts on its appearance besides the different appearance compared to the tallest flowering organs the “Titan Arum” (Amorphophallus titanum).


It is endemic to Sumatra rain forest & Borneo (Kalimantan) and became the National Flower of Indonesia. And moreover, the biggest flower on earth, Rafflesia Arnoldii plants grow along the primary and secondary jungle in Sumatra rain forest.


Rafflesia Arnoldii plant is very rare and fairly hard to detect the location of the new buds in the jungle. But it is frequently found in Bukittinggi area, West Sumatra province and Kepahiang area, Bengkulu province as well as all around the Bukit Barisan (Sumatra range mountain).

The evolution from a small bud into the monstrous flower.

On the other hand, a ripe fresh bud grows up for several months and takes about 7 – 9 months to reach the size of a cabbage. Furthermore it takes around 9 – 18 months to become properly bloom with more plenty raindrops which would certainly help the bud to ripe quickly which eventually blossomed out as a monstrous flower.

Bloom for a few days only

Unfortunately the bloom itself lasts for a short period of time (just a few days, around 5 to 7 days). It has to cross-pollinate quickly with the nearby flowers of the opposite sex before its dotting maroon colour getting brown and eventually dead.

Smell that attracts insects

The Rafflesia Arnoldii flower produces the slight stench of rotting flesh to attract carrion flies for the pollination process. Therefore the fly collects the pollen from male and female flower to continue the pollination process. Eventually the mild stench produce the unique process of its reproduction.

The life stage of Rafflesia Armoldii Sumatra Jungle flower

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